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Reset Voucher Numbering - Tally Prime 4.0

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Dear Sir,

This is my tally numbering format for all the bills as you can see in below screen shot that the numbering is starting from 570 no. The reason for this type of numbering under "retain original voucher number system" is that I deleted 569 vouchers which existed earlier. 

I want to mention that I can use "Renumber voucher" options in the voucher options but it takes time.

Every time I delete voucher it recalculate next number and assign it to next voucher before deleting second voucher and on other side when I use "retain original voucher number system" deletion and upload works faster.

Screenshot 1

I have used the retain original voucher number system in the voucher options as in below screenshot. 

Screenshot 2

My Question is that can we reset voucher number under "retain original voucher number system" from 570 to 001.


Tally Version
